Brebbia Grandi Designer 1999

by Alberto Paronelli

Alberto Paronelli is a special sort of man in the world of pipes.

He believes in friendship and human relationships. In his house and the nearby pipe museum, pipe-men from all over the world meet up, and he speaks to them in simple, immediate terms. He tells amusing anecdotes and everyone discovers that they are all young at heart. In this enchanted world of this, when you get to know him a bit better, he has a different story for everyone, and each story has a tale to tell. The thing that strikes youabout him, when you find out how old is he, is the joie-de-vivre of people like him who have never had to work a day in their lives because they are so passionate about everything. In his pipe museum, open to friends old and new, you might come across a journalist looking for something interesting to write about, one of his sculptor friends, or a potter.And AlbertoS infectious enthusiasm is total for all of them.

His creativity comes out in his words, but also in painting and sculpture. He likes painting, and is good at it, but is also an accomplished potter, working with terracotta: he recently undertook a study of Maya art, and made a collection of statuettes. We asked him to design a model for our „Great Designers“ series. With his usual directness, he sat down straight away to draw, and asked us, “Do you know what an egg looks like?“.

Simple enough, but we have to think for a bit.



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